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Menahem pressler biography of abraham lincoln

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Abraham Lincoln  ©Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and one of the great American leaders. His presidency was dominated by the American Civil War.
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Mithila sharma biography of abraham lincoln

Abraham Lincoln's Childhood and Early LifeLincoln was born on February 12, 1809, to Nancy and Thomas Lincoln in a one-room log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. His family moved to southern Indiana in 1816.
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Xandra bingley biography of abraham lincoln

Abraham Lincoln's Childhood and Early LifeLincoln was born on February 12, 1809, to Nancy and Thomas Lincoln in a one-room log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. His family moved to southern Indiana in 1816.
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Jeri lynne fraser biography of abraham lincoln

Abraham Lincoln1809-1865Who Was Abraham Lincoln?Abraham Lincoln was the 16thpresident of the United States, serving from 1861 to 1865, and is regarded as one of Americas greatest heroes due to his roles in guiding the Union through the Civil War and working to emancipate enslaved people. His eloquent support of democracy and insistence that the Union was worth saving embody the ideals of self-government that all nations strive to achieve.
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Muthana momed biography of abraham lincoln

Early life and career of Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a one-room log cabin on the Sinking Spring farm, south of Hodgenville in Hardin County, Kentucky. His siblings were Sarah Lincoln Grigsby and Thomas Lincoln, Jr.
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Bertil guve biography of abraham lincoln

Abraham Lincoln's Childhood and Early LifeLincoln was born on February 12, 1809, to Nancy and Thomas Lincoln in a one-room log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. His family moved to southern Indiana in 1816.
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Slavko stimac biography of abraham lincoln

Abraham Lincoln's Childhood and Early LifeLincoln was born on February 12, 1809, to Nancy and Thomas Lincoln in a one-room log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. His family moved to southern Indiana in 1816.
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Annick goutal biography of abraham lincoln

Abraham Lincoln's Childhood and Early LifeLincoln was born on February 12, 1809, to Nancy and Thomas Lincoln in a one-room log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. His family moved to southern Indiana in 1816.
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Ragga dee biography of abraham lincoln

Ragga DeeUgandan Music ArtistRagga DeeBirth nameDaniel KazibweBorn1968 (age160;568211;57)UgandaOccupation(s)Musician, businessman, politicianYears activesince 1988Musical artistRagga Dee, born Daniel Kazibwe, is a Ugandan musician and politician. 91;193; He contested for mayor of Kampala in the 2016 general elections.
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Dinesh gopalaswamy biography of abraham lincoln

Early life and career of Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a one-room log cabin on the Sinking Spring farm, south of Hodgenville in Hardin County, Kentucky. His siblings were Sarah Lincoln Grigsby and Thomas Lincoln, Jr.
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Rachel clare reuel tolkien tree

Tolkien familyEnglish family of German originThe Tolkien family is an English family of German descent whose best-known member is J. Tolkien, Oxford academic and author of the fantasy books The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion.
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Anthony BaezaQuick FactsAnthony Baeza BiographyAnthony Baeza is one of the most popular and richest Rapper who was born on May 3, 1993 in Fresno, California, United States. Producer and recording artist popularly referred to as Baeza who gained notoriety on YouTube.
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Discovery of pi by aryabhatta in hindi

आर्यभट्टजन्म: 476 कुसुमपुर अथवा अस्मकमृत्यु: 550कार्य: गणितग्य, खगोलशाष्त्रीआर्यभट्ट प्राचीन समय के सबसे महान खगोलशास्त्रीयों और गणितज्ञों में से एक थे। विज्ञान और गणित के क्षेत्र में उनके कार्य आज भी वैज्ञानिकों को प्रेरणा देते हैं। आर्यभट्ट उन पहले व्यक्तियों में से थे जिन्होंने बीजगणित (एलजेबरा) का प्रयोग किया। आपको यह जानकार हैरानी होगी कि उन्होंने अपनी प्रसिद्ध रचना 8216;आर्यभटिया8217; (गणित की पुस्तक) को कविता के रूप में लिखा। यह प्राचीन भारत की बहुचर्चित पुस्तकों में से एक है। इस पुस्तक में दी गयी ज्यादातर जानकारी खगोलशास्त्र और गोलीय त्रिकोणमिति से संबंध रखती है। 8216;आर्यभटिया8217; में अंकगणित, बीजगणित और त्रिकोणमिति के 33 नियम भी दिए गए हैं।आज हम सभी इस बात को जानते हैं कि पृथ्वी गोल है और अपनी धुरी पर घूमती है और इसी कारण रात और दिन होते हैं। मध्यकाल में 8216;निकोलस कॉपरनिकस8217; ने यह सिद्धांत प्रतिपादित किया था पर इस वास्तविकता से बहुत कम लोग ही परिचित होगें कि कॉपरनिकस8217; से लगभग 1 हज़ार साल पहले ही आर्यभट्ट ने यह खोज कर ली थी कि पृथ्वी गोल है और उसकी परिधि अनुमानत: 24835 मील है। सूर्य और चन्द्र ग्रहण के हिन्दू धर्म की मान्यता को आर्यभट्ट ने ग़लत सिद्ध किया। इस महान वैज्ञानिक और गणितग्य को यह भी ज्ञात था कि चन्द्रमा और दूसरे ग्रह सूर्य की किरणों से प्रकाशमान होते हैं। आर्यभट्ट ने अपने सूत्रों से यह सिद्ध किया कि एक वर्ष में 366 दिन नहीं वरन 365. ) द्वारा प्रतिपादित सिद्धांत की खोज आर्यभट हजार वर्ष पहले ही कर चुके थे। 8220;गोलपाद8221; में आर्यभट ने सर्वप्रथम यह सिद्ध किया कि पृथ्वी अपने अक्ष पर घूमती है।इस महान गणितग्य के अनुसार किसी वृत्त की परिधि और व्यास का संबंध 62,832 : 20,000 आता है जो चार दशमलव स्थान तक शुद्ध है। आर्यभट्ट कि गणना के अनुसार पृथ्वी की परिधि 39,968.